Digital Identity

The incorporation of digital technology has affected us in many areas in which we function as a society. For example, digital technology affects the way we are expressing ourselves through our identity. Digital identity is how we are expressing ourselves through online environments and creating our digital identities. There are many factors that contribute to our digital identities in these online environments.
According to authors Wängqvist & Frisén (2016), identity development is important for adolescents as they experiment in these online contexts while expressing themselves and creating their online identities. Online contexts make it easier for adolescents to find ways to figure out what they want to make public about themselves and what they would not want to share. These online communities help adolescents express parts of themselves that in real social life they may not feel comfortable expressing. On page 141 it says, “…online contexts may strengthen individuals’ ethnic identity by making context beyond the offline environment available.” This examples makes it evident that many aspects of ones identity, in this case ethnicity, can be expressed easier through online environments because there are many ways to communicate without feeling the pressure of making yourself truly present like in real life. I agree with this because once on Facebook, I found this online group that was focused on being hispanic. Many digital artifacts were shared in this facebook group and it was so interesting to see how many people, including me, could relate to those funny videos, memes and images. I also shared personal experiences that I did not think anyone else would relate to but many did.
Identity development is not only important for adolescents, but also for adults. Any person, regardless of age, can learn and gain skills from online environments. Adults can also express themselves and gain sense of their identity through this in online communities. Adults also know many of the risks that come with the stuff they share online and they can help any young person understand the risks and consequences of identity development.
Social networks can impact learning through digital identity because there are many platforms available now a days. The difference is that a student would not use the same digital identity in a non learning setting, where as in a learning online setting the student will make sure their social presence reflects what they want others to see them as. There are many opportunities that the internet provides in the way we are social and communicate and how we manage our identity. The internet also provides many ways in which we can learn and interact. There are formal and informal ways of expressing our digital identities when it comes to learning online due to the social networks that are available. Formal ways would include social networks focused on learning while informal would include social networks that are more like social media.
It is impossible to limit and shelter kids or anyone from the interaction with the internet. It is constantly expanding and shifting how we communicate and express our identity. We can help people/kids to explore their online connections and share their identities in a safe way by educating them of the risks and consequences that come with sharing certain things. In Alec Couros’ TEDtalk, he mentioned how many kids experience cyberbullying from the digital artifacts they (or someone else) shares online. This is something that can be important to inform kids as they start using digital technology because while kids create content and start sharing online, they do not think of how these digital artifacts can negatively affect them. Digital artifacts are easily shared and viewed by so many people online, so understanding the risks and consequences can help anyone while exploring their identities online.