Privacy impacts in our society through digital use.

Jennifer Delgado
2 min readOct 15, 2021



Digital privacy

Digital privacy is important because every day digital technology is more and more embedded in our society. When digital technology replaces many daily activities, we put ourselves more out there in the digital world. With that, there should be a focus on the privacy aspect of our online activity. In the policy brief: Privacy article, it mentions how as we expose our personal information online, there are some challenges that come with it. It is important to protect our personal data online. There are some considerations the article mentions that can be eye opening on how you should go about your digital privacy.

The overall effect algorithms will have in society are a mix of both positive and negative. Algorithms are part of a lot of online activity we have currently. There are many positive effects with algorithms in society like, connectivity, and understanding of many implications that we see online. Because algorithms make part of practically all of online activity in media platforms, it is important for us to understand and build certain skills to understand them to then not have negative effects. The negative effects algorithms will bring to our society is that there is bias and sometimes not organized correctly. There will be negative effects that come with everything but if we take time to

The example I found that shows how invasive social media can be is on the where it talks about the dark side of social media and how invasive they can be to our privacy. One specific example from the article is how Facebook apps have these terms and agreements that can be invasive to your personal data like chats and photos. There is this privacy risk as you become more and more involved in the digital world. This is something that I have learned about just recently but as a teenager when I first got my Facebook account, I did not know that there would be any risks to putting my personal information online. I think it is important to learn and educate our society about these privacy risks that come with our activities while using digital technology.

Overall, I believe it is very important to become educated on the risks that come with personal data you put online. Digital technology is already a big part of our society and how we communicate and express ourselves, and it will continue to expand so developing good online skills and becoming informed of the negative effects will help a lot.

