Reflection Blog #1 CI3342

Jennifer Delgado
4 min readSep 28, 2020


The research from both Common Sense Media and Pew Research Center reveal how social media is very present in teens’ and adults life. In the Common Sense article is shared how “A total of 81 percent of teens use social media” and in the article from Pew Research Center shared how “Some 88% of 18- to 29-year olds indicate that they use any form of social media.” Both of these articles provide evidence that teens and adults are making use of multiple types of social media platforms. Not only does it let us know that they are using social media platforms, but the articles also provide us with how that usage is affecting teens and adults as well.

Negative effects social media has on teens and adults are by becoming a distraction, and the negative exposure they are open to. The article for Pew Research Center mentions how “Some 82% of Snapchat users ages 18 to 24 say they use the platform daily, with 71% indicating that they use it multiple times per day.” This evidence is only to a specific social media platform but in the article, it was similar with other social media users. Social media usage has not only made itself part of daily routines, but multiple times throughout the day. The article from Common Sense Media also has evidence to this point. They mention how “A significant number of teens say they “hardly ever” … silence or put away their devices when doing homework… visiting family… having meals with other people…” This demonstrates how not only are teens and adults making social media part of their daily routine, but it is affecting their way of being present socially or with other activities. It has weakened their human interaction or to even pay attention when in a social environment. It is becoming a distraction to their real present lives. All of this exposure has not only affected their way to be socially active face to face with other people or with other activities, but it has brought exposure to certain topics. Social media has its good and its bad. The Common Sense Media article shares how “… nearly two-thirds… of teen social media users… “often” … come across racist, sexist, homophobic, or religious- base hate content in social media.” Teens are open this hate content while on social media. Not only are they open to see how the world can be hateful to others, but at times they can personally experience it to. These examples contribute to the negative effects social media has.

Positive effects that social media has on teens and adults are that their social-emotional well-being has a positive impact and that social media has helped with their creativity. In figure B, in the Common Sense Media article, it shows a bar graph on the effects social media has on teens social-emotional well-being. The bar graph shows how users among 13–17 said using social media made them feel more popular, confident, better about themselves, and less anxious, depressed, and lonely. This emotional effect comes from teens being able to express themselves to a wide audience provided by social media. In the video from Common Sense Media, teens explained how social media platforms have made them feel less lonely as they have the ability to talk to their friends and others when they do feel sad. Social media gives them the accessibility to a wider audience, and it is easier to connect with others. Not only does social media allow teens to connect with others for the sake of expressing their emotions, but it also expands their creativity. Social media accessibility is found throughout a wide range of platforms. In the article by Pew Research Center, they list more social media platforms that are not Facebook, Snapchat, and Instagram. They mention Pintrest, Youtube, and LinkedIn. Through these platforms you not only connect with people, but you can expand your creativity. Different types of social media platforms have the feature of many different types of media and for different usage. In the Common Sense Media article, it mentions how, “More than one in four teens… say social media is … “very” important to them for expressing themselves creatively.” That was followed by some examples where teens are able to express themselves, share artwork, and design work.

The articles shared a lot of insightful information about the way social media has impacted the lives of teens and adults. It is impacting everyones life and I can relate to how users check their social media platforms multiple times throughout the day. I also use social media for fun when I am at work, with others, and at night/morning in bed. It is becoming such a fundamental part of our society and it is affecting our learning envronment as well as professional settings. That is why I am part of this class, CI 3342, to learn more about social media and how I can later use it professionally.

